I got bizzay on the weekend with my DIY projects! Bizzaay, bizzay (reminds me of on superbad when the cop played by Bill Hader is going "you're a fucking puss-ay, puss-aaay"...) um anyway...
So here is a sneak peek of the re-stained and re-upholstered
$5 chair....

Haha this is by far the neatest corner. Re-upholstery is hard man... I have seriously fucked it up in 2 places. I have managed to dodgily cover up one bit, but the other is proving to be quite tricky. I won't be finishing it for a while cos i need a sewing machine to make a cushion cover and also some little furniture tacks for the back. I thought I could get away without them but yeahh... i need them. But it already looks a million times better than it did. Josh called it a "classy chair that he would like to sit in" which is a strange yet rave review.
Ok and my other project is the dressing screen! Here is a crap picture of it:

Yeah so I got the 6 bits of wood and gave them an undercoat of green paint just incase the wood absorbed it, i didnt want to waste the blackboard paint. So I let those dry and then got lazy and watched the godfather instead. On Sunday I did a coat of blackboard paint but the brush is really shit so there are huge streak marks in it. So yeah now I want to get a paint roller and tray so the second coat is nice and even. It has to have 16 hours beween the 1st and 2nd coats anyway :S looks like i will need to duck into bunnings tonight or tomorrow.... *shrug*

Well there you go, I am slooooowly getting there. But seriously i have had that dressing screen for like a million years so this is a huge step!
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