Readers, I have to tell you something huge. I saw myself get born last night... and when i say 'get born' I am not talking about the debut album of australian rock outfit "Jet". I actually watched myself messily exit my mother's vagina. I was not, as you may wonder, involved in a psychadelic hallucination but rather I dug out some family home movies and borrowed a VCR in order to view them. Let me explain why I did this.
Yesterday morning, I sat down on the train and started listening to a previously unheard This American Life podcast entitled "Home Movies". To put it simply: I was moved. There was a lady speaking about how she has maybe 10 seconds of film from when she was a baby, and thinks the lady in the footage is her natural mother. As she is adopted, she has no way of knowing except to compare posture and physical characteristics of her own to the mystery woman on film. It is so sad that she has nothing to look back on. My mum has a brother and a sister who were both adopted from seperate families. My auntie has reunited with her birth mother but my uncle has not had such luck. I think my nana has some footage of my mum and her siblings as kids but nobody has ever seen them due to... family issues i suppose you could call it. I am so excited to watch this footage one day, and I'm sure my mum, aunty and uncle are too - even more so. I really hope it is a possibility one day.
On the podcast, another person spoke about how strange it is to see people as they were years ago, before divorce or any other major life changes affected them, perhaps back in the days when they could be described as 'happy'. It got me thinking about what things I could learn about myself and my family, or even what things had escaped my memory. I remembered that my dad has about 12 VHS tapes (spanning 1-2 hours each) of our family, and I couldn't believe how much gold that would contain. Even though as kids we watched these tapes quite regularly, it was not that interesting or shocking as we were so close to the age from the footage, and we usually just fast-forwarded to 'funny things' that we said or did. I now have little recollection of the contents of the tape, so I was quite excited.
I set it all up yesterday and inserted tape #1. The start of the tape was my mum in hospital in 1986 holding my older brother Brendan. My mum is roughly my age in this tape, and she hasn't changed much since, except for ditching the perm. I saw relatives who appeared younger than I had ever known them, even relatives who are now deceased. Shortly into the footage my dad's brother Steven (now deceased) and his wife and young baby come to visit the hospital room. They began talking about how they felt when their son was born. My Nana interjected to say that Steven was 'blinded with joy' when his son was born. Uncle Steven said "Yeah, and I was working on getting blinded in another sense." Nobody laughed. Maybe at this point it was already apparent that he was an alcoholic, which is sadly how I always knew him. He was an alcoholic (to the doctors protests) until the day he died. It was a strange sensation watching these old conversations, it was as though I was a time travelling fly on the wall. I was never meant to hear those words at that time, but through the magic of film I can. It was strange listening to my mum talk at my age, she sounded so naiive like she had so much to learn still, and so many life experiences ahead. She was always the one to teach me, and here she still hadn't learnt yet. The rest of the tape was conversations with other family friends and relatives which I watched for a while, but then curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to watch myself... my tapes.
I found tape 3 entitled "Baby #2" so I figured that's where I must come into the picture. I rewound the tape (it took forever - where was the scene selection function?) and pushed play. I instantly remembered finding this tape when I was a kid looking for footage of myself. The start of my tape is, well.. my birth. I freaked out of course and pushed stop/fast forward, then I realised that I could watch my first SECOND of life in the outside world. I pushed play and watched in semi-horror at the last 20 seconds of mum's labour and then my entrance into the world. I felt pretty ill watching it, but somehwere I felt lucky that I could actually see it - even if this is the only time. It is such a trip to watch yourself be born, I cannot fully explain. When i was a kid and found the tape I got scared and turned off the TV and went outside to play and repress repress repress the image of my mum's vag. I have no recollection of being born, or most of my first 4 or so years for that matter - so everything is new to me. I fast-forwarded all the hospital stuff cos my dad left the camera rolling while they cut the umbilical cord and pulled out the placenta etc etc. I couldn't stomach that stuff - it was way worse.
The next scene was me at a few days old. I was having a bath in the sink and my brother was sitting next to me dipping a turkey baster into the bubbles and getting crazily excited. My mum tried to take it from him after he poked me with it and then he tried to out-cry me. It was funny. Next I was in a basinette thing on the ground and my brother was patting me like a dog. You know how kids pat dogs with their palms open wide, fingers splayed and they kind of gently hit repeatedly...? that's what he was doing. my parents kept filming and laughing, and threw in the occasional "poor jade!". Then next they were encouraging him to "take the baby for a walk" around the kitchen, so he started pushing the basinette like a pram and when they screamed "READY SET GOOOO" in unison he would run and slam me into a wall or cupboard. Oh how they laughed. The only time he got into trouble was when he slammed me into the fridge. My parents were worried he would hurt the fridge.
Anyway, I have so much more to watch and learn about my past. All the things I know about my parents secret lives NOW... it makes me wonder if I can sense anything from the tapes. It is weird enough seeing my parents still together on the tapes (as they divorced maybe 4 years ago) not to mention actually happy. I know that sounds a bit depressing but it's true. Maybe they will be happy again soon. According to filmmaker Alan Berliner who spoke on the Home Movie podcast, usually the home movies stop around age 12 or so- whenever the kids are becoming teenagers and start being all surly and private. I'm not sure when our tapes stopped - I havent gotten that far, but I do remember covering my face alot in the later years because i was embarrassed to be filmed. Looking back now, I wish I hadn't done that. It must have upset my dad, who was trying to make a time capsule and can be heard on the tapes saying "One day you will want to look back on this..." to which I'm sure in the later years I would have rolled my eyes.
PS. I just donated $20 towards the continuation of 'This American Life' which I have been meaning to do ever since I listened to my first podcast. I feel good. :)
May 26, 2010
May 25, 2010
chillin' with mr joshua
So, I don't really know why but I took some pics of Josh's new place the other day. I think they are cool looking, and it is a pretty unique house...that's probably why.. anyway. I stayed there on Friday night and consequently awoke there on Saturday morning (afternoon) with the sun shining bright. From the backyard you can see the staircase.

As the house is on a hill, you enter at street level onto the 2nd floor. The 2nd floor comprises of 3 bedrooms and a small loungeroom which is used more predominantly as a storage room/walkway. Off that is the door to the external staircase to take you down to the bathroom, kitchen and cellar. I have already mentioned the cellar before... Josh's step-brother sleeps in there, but it is surprisingly awesome depsite the low ceilings, lack of natural light, and the door leading underneath the house (I envision a dead hobo and some monsters on the other side)... or perhaps those are the reason why it is awesome...? The blue door to downstairs is tricky, the handle is so touchy that you have to work out the correct angle to hold the handle on, otherwise the door doesn't close and swings wide open letting freezing cold air in. The staircase is not my favourite feature of the house when you wake up in the middle of a winter night needing to go down to the toilet.
Things were different on Saturday morning though, i saw the house in a whole new light. I was laying out in the courtyard in the midday sun, with little Daisy napping on me. Josh went inside and was gone for a while. What I didn't realise was that he was taking stalker shots of me from the bathroom window:

But then I heard a noise and turned my head to see my camera sticking out between the louvres. Bit of a shock.
So then Josh came out and gave me my camera so I could see the stalker shots, and I decided to take a few shots from MY perspective:

Then I got up on my stool/bed to get a shot of the view. Josh's window faces out this direction so that's the view at night.
I want to get some binoculars involved one night and see what's going on in the commission flats :D I'll prob make binocular-contact with some seedy naked person over there and we'll both scramble away to cover ourselves up... or will we?
the outhouse (toilet) and the tetanus fence
the moss collection. I actually think it looks amazing :)
As the house is on a hill, you enter at street level onto the 2nd floor. The 2nd floor comprises of 3 bedrooms and a small loungeroom which is used more predominantly as a storage room/walkway. Off that is the door to the external staircase to take you down to the bathroom, kitchen and cellar. I have already mentioned the cellar before... Josh's step-brother sleeps in there, but it is surprisingly awesome depsite the low ceilings, lack of natural light, and the door leading underneath the house (I envision a dead hobo and some monsters on the other side)... or perhaps those are the reason why it is awesome...? The blue door to downstairs is tricky, the handle is so touchy that you have to work out the correct angle to hold the handle on, otherwise the door doesn't close and swings wide open letting freezing cold air in. The staircase is not my favourite feature of the house when you wake up in the middle of a winter night needing to go down to the toilet.
Things were different on Saturday morning though, i saw the house in a whole new light. I was laying out in the courtyard in the midday sun, with little Daisy napping on me. Josh went inside and was gone for a while. What I didn't realise was that he was taking stalker shots of me from the bathroom window:
May 24, 2010
soup, plastic bag asphyxiation, and head shaving
Well, last night turned out to be quite the interesting night indeed! Firstly I made my first home-cooked meal in over a week and was so proud of myself. I fell off the horse hard-core after moving house and i went out, or got take away, or just ate poorly for most of last week. It was soooo good.... but so bad. and i cannot exactly afford that champagne lifestyle right now. i'm on the tap-beer lifestyle until i get myself sorted out! Anyway I made delicious pumpkin soup from one of my Jamie Oliver books, and served it up in my beautiful soup tureen which my friend Sarah bought me! I had to show her how lovely it looks on the table!! LOOK SARAH LOOK!

I'm not super sure what it was that made Josh go crazy... it could have been the amazing soup, or the funny episode of big bang theory on TV, or just something in the air... but he snuck up on me and put a plastic bag over my head. many times. here is one of us together!
Aw how sweet- couple photo! Yeah, and then Josh went more crazy.
And then he decided he wanted me to shave his head like we had spoken about. While Hayden started cleaning out his clippers I went looking for an image of Tim McIlrath from Rise Against with his partially shaved head to show Josh. I found the Rise Against DVD (Generation Lost) and remembered it featured in one of the video clips. Here is what i was envisioning (fantasizing) for Josh:

Good thing Cillian is also on my list ;)
Oh Tim... how amazing you are...mmm. anyway Josh seemed excited by this hairdo, perhaps bordering on sexually aroused even. When we found out that the clippers didn't work we were disheartened for quite some time. I think we even watched a movie (Land of the Lost - super funny), and I cut my hair for something to do. Then Josh remembered that K-mart is now a 24-hour store so we headed over there at about 10.30pm for some new clippers. Once back at home, the hair clipping was imminent and it called for a "before shot".
hehe. Anyway we were remarking that all of the celeb crushes i've got have some patricular feature strikingly similar to josh. For example, tim mcilrath has that whole browny red hair thing and red beard goin on. When i started dating josh he had longish ringlets much like tim did at the time :O all josh needs is one brown contact and the deal is done! Josh feels flattered that i'm only interested in guys who look similar to him haha.
OK, Josh wouldn't hold still for long and I didn't get the *best* shots of the new 'do - also due to the crap flurescent light in the bathroom. Here is one of him dusting the hair off with his shirt...
and le finished product:
I think it looks super cool! And the best thing is, when he gets sick of that hairdo he can do the other side too and have a mohawk, and then he can shave his whole head too if he wants! Multi-do. Oh yeah anyone else see the resemblance to the post apocalyptic cillian below?

May 17, 2010
impromptu radelaide road trip
so with a 3 day weekend ahead of me, I wondered what I could do that was a little different than the usual weekend. I was not looking forward to cleaning the house again or unpacking those last few boxes of crap you hardly use, nor for looking at cars. My mum had said she was keen to escape to Adelaide for a few days and i suggested that we utilise my 3 days off to the maxxx!
So at 8:30am Friday we set off for sunny (compared to Melbourne) rAdelaide! Now, I have talked about Adelaide before if you recall... it's an Australian state capital which often cops a lot of flak...? Don't remember? Well, just google search "Awesome things to do in..." and see if it comes up:
No...? Ok, try to be more specific and see what suggestions you get:
No suggestions..? Hmm.. Ok, well just look at these pictures I took of my nice time there.

Along the way on the 8 hour trip, you will see some amazing landmarks. Above we have "The Giant Koala" and below, the infamous "Land Rover on a Pole"...
Sometimes you just need to stretch your legs out a bit.

Whilst in Adelaide, you may feel as though you are back in time. This is a normal reaction, but stay calm and it will pass. For instance I saw this Barnacle Bill restaurant, long extinct in Melbourne...
It's always nice to arrive somewhere after a whole day of driving and be greeted by a lamb roast!
And something to peruse as you wait for that juicy lamb to be cut up. Note: Larry David tattoo.

if i were to get a tattoo, i think a dim sim would be my #1 choice. Oh, and below is Bubba:
Adorable. She was so hungry (ie. friendly to me) and wanted my cup of tea..
We went for a stroll through the Central Adelaide Markets - just as cool as the Vic Markets but CHEAPER! I think these are pasties being made:
and i got an organic PIZZA PIE. sickening yet un-fuking-believably delicious!

Oh yes, poor Bec had half a bottle of red in her bag for us to drink at our ritzy hotel room, but while we were walking she bumped the wall and the wine bottle cracked in her bag spilling burgundy all over the pavement. A homeless man laughed at us as we tried to get all of her clothes out of the bag. There were a few casualties amongst them but we got them cleaned up.
So at 8:30am Friday we set off for sunny (compared to Melbourne) rAdelaide! Now, I have talked about Adelaide before if you recall... it's an Australian state capital which often cops a lot of flak...? Don't remember? Well, just google search "Awesome things to do in..." and see if it comes up:

ah, some local graffiti. You see this first one at Nhill and they continue on for most of the trip. So funny!
May 11, 2010
images of life of late
so... it didn't take long for my beautiful chalk board to get covered in veiny throbbing phallis's's's... drawn using phallic sticks of chalk no less! thank you Josh and Hayden for your artwork contributions. actually it has been up for about 1.5 weeks now, i probably should rub it off.. heh. get it?
i went to visit my dad's sister on the weekend for the first time in years. This was in the backyard...

and this in the front yard...
oh and then this little guy wanted inside..
We gave him a name but I cannot remember what it was... Oh man, i just remembered i left chester inside today and nobody will be home until like 9pm to let him out... plus he was in all night so he is totally going to shit somewhere... fucking hell..
Also, this is the new way of life at my new place, seeing as we now live behind the supermarket. Basically we walk to the supermarket, get a traveller for the 2 minute walk home... and then cook dinner. Well, it's a bit pre-emptive to say it's the new 'way of life' considering we have only done it once in 2 weeks, but y'know how i like to exaggerate :P
Just after this, the ghost in our house opened the LOCKED front door and freaked me and maki out. Doors and things move in the house, it is a bit scary considering it is a new(ish) house. maki said the dishwasher door fell open while he was watching tv. we started remeniscing about scenes from Paranormal Activity and got more scared. I suggested having a seance and Maki agreed but then i realised i was all talk and actually dont want to. We tried one once ages ago but nothing happened.
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